
编辑:福州环球教育 | 有2048人参与 | 来自:匿名

Section 1 = V20081 Version 40131

Section 2 = V20029Version 30103

Section 3 = V40111Version 50112环球教育基础预测命中,重点预测命中

Section 4 = V20124Version50131 环球重点预测命中,环球考前预测命中,网络预测命中

V20081 Version 40131



Questions 1-4

Complete the notes below.

1  Surname: Thorn

2  Length: 5 days

3  Station near: Gold Coast

4  Accommodation : apartment

Questions 5-7

Choose the correct letter, A,B or C

5  Photography of crocodile

6  Which park do children like ? Water Park

7  The room is near shopping facilities

Questions 8-10

Choose THREE letters,A-G.

What facilities dose the house have?

A  Playroom

E  Laundry

F  cleaning

V20029Version 30103

Section 2

主题提示:一个运动冰壶俱乐部ice-curling 的发展

The development of ice-curling

Questions 11-16 Completion

11 introduce four members in the group: 队长 the Lead, the Second, the Third, the skip (skip 是队员的的核心人物)

(有四个人参与游戏,然后第一个人叫the Lead,有很明显的标识词the first is called…. 根据后面的单词推测)

12 the length of ice rink is called: the sheer

13 the target area is called: house

原文说there are two kinds of brooms or brushes, the Scottish and Canadian. 玩这个游戏需要的工具stonesbrushes

The first are made of horse hair; and the latter are made of…

14 the Scottish brushes are made of horse hair

15 a shoe make of a sole of rubber

16 the team captain carries a stop watch 秒表

Questions17-20 Multiple Choice

17 mentioned a club that has ever got championships, but it is famous for?

A champions…

B it is the oldest club in the region


C it is the most influential one

18 why was this club established?

A attract people’s interest

B to train young player

C to fix regulations for the game

19 in the 16th century, the curling game was not banned because

A it was not popular ( IELTS test papers offered by kspredicting. com. copyright)

B it can train player for the battle

C it was played by children 原文说:因为战争tennis 等运动都被banned, 除了archery因为射箭可以为战争准备,但curling也没有被禁,因为战争需要

20 the early implement for this game in Canada is make of?

A local material

B imported stone

C cast iron 铸铁制造

加拿大不能import stones

V40111Version 50112

Section 3


JIT system tutorial Japanese example; just-in-time,在日本老师评论学生的presentationJapanese  just-in-time

Questions  21-24  Multiple choice

21 problem -missed part of the origination of just- in-time

The ?????

22 从哪里得到资料 the suggestion for presentation

A internet (干扰)   B magazine   C  textbook

开始说上网查,但是没有查到太多,之后就在日本的一个textbook Japanese  


23 学生在这篇论文里missed什么? The ?  他们最终的目标是减少库存

24 the tutor think JIT doesn’t suit service industry because

Service product doesn’t be ? Unlike the manufacture industry

Questions 25-30 Matching

在演讲技术、学术方面讨论他的last presentation

Too formal, too irregular

Too sudden, too technical

Too unenthusiastic

25 speech delivery 这篇的论文节奏怎样too irregular

(原文貌似是说语速控制不好 too fast too slow

26 purpose—too informal

27 in vocabulary—too technical academic(过于学术,词汇太难)

28 in transit(过渡)too sudden

(在这他们会谈到,idea之后转的very quick,所以答案是too sudden

29 in visual aid—Related(图片和research 没什么关联)

30 in body language—too (他们谈到说是这个学生不太喜欢这个topic所以这个方面表现的就不是很好)

V40112VERSION 50113



A man who majors in politics asks his tutor to change a course for him.

Questions 21-28 table


Original course title politics; want to shit to

The fist option :21? It is too hot, that is quiet popular

The 2 nd option:22business studies woman said well,so i think

Table2 three major problems:




Further information

Lectures is too difficult

She 23recorded them),it works well

Recommended her to participate in a discussion group

26 not enough (?)

24 more/regular

review of notes

25 more careful


Poor assignment

Please do more



Visit student service for 27 (support)unit to help (woman said she did not want to bother them duty to serve you)

Questions 29-30 completion

29 next visiting time: 17thFebruary for feedback

This data,tutor will not be in school,thus she can go to contact

30 contact with the senior ?

Hoped to get the feedback, to see whether the problem was solved,so the make the next appointment, but the teacher would not be in school,so they had to ask the advisor


Section 4主题提示:藏红花 (染料,香水,药用,洗浴)

Saffronused in dyesperfumemedicinesand body washes.

Questions31-40 Multiple Choice

31 number of 50 grams40000

32 method of preservationby drying it

33 to sale it as powder

34 dietrice

and is widely used in many cuisines

Medical applications

35 to treat eye-disorder

36 in a rate experiment(实验),avoid light damage

Early studies show that saffron may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress apart

Domestic application

37 then in ancient Greek, used as perfume from women when bathing

38 applied in the filed of cosmetics

39 die for clothes

40making carpets






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