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  Task 1

  1.Which of the following do you think is the most difficult and challenging for university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax or making new friends.

  Personally speaking, the most challenging task for university students would be making new friends. Firstly, it is not easy to make friends with people from different provinces. China is a fairly large country. People are different due to the unique culture and customs in different provinces. Students might find it difficult to understand each other. Secondly, most of Chinese students have already been used to being away from their families. High school students usually go to boarding schools. They could only meet their parents once a week or even once a month. Last but not least, academic life in China is not busy at all. It is commonly reported that numerous college students in China would indulge themselves in playing computers games all the time.

  2.What is the most popular website that people in your country like to visit? Explain why it is popular.

  Without a doubt, the most popular website would be taobao.com. It is the biggest e-commerce website in the world. It is like Chinese version of Amazon. Online shopping has gained its popularity among young people in China. Girls are crazy about this website, since there are a wide range of products. Basically, you could buy whatever you want. Besides, it is quite time-saving. The only thing people need to do is to click the mouse. Everything they buy online will be delivered to their doorstep. Furthermore, the price of products is much more reasonable than stores. Last but not least, it is also a social networking web. People could make friends with those people who have much in common with them.

  3.Choose one of the following natural environments and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  Well personally I prefer to live in a forest instead of living in a desert or in a plain because I think the climate there is better for me since if I live in a desert, that'll be way too hot for me. And if I live in a plain, I think there's gonna be a lot of wind going on and that is really uncomfortable. Um, but more importantly, I think living in a forest enables me to meet a lot of animals and plants. And personally I'm really into biology and I want to become a biologist in the future. So if I could live there and observe those animals, maybe I could do some research about them.

  4.Talk about one activity you will do in the near future. Explain why you want to do this activity.

  An activity I would like to participate in is volunteer teaching. My friend David did it last week and he told me how great it was. They went to a small, under-developed village that’s far from the city. David was assigned to teach them English. He taught them some basic greeting skills which they thought was fun. During class breaks, they gathered outside to play sports. Some kicked around a soccer ball, some played badminton and some played Ping-Pong. Everyone had a good time. Before they left, we made some donations to the school. People donated money, books and school supplies. I would to join them next time.

  5.Talk about the biggest change in your country over the past twenty years. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  During the past twenty years, there have been many changes taken place in my country- China. The biggest change is the generalization of new technology. Take internet as an example, my parents never thought about booking restaurants or buying books only by using one finger pressing on the screen. Nowadays, we use internet to search the knowledge we don’t understand, buy film ticket in a lower price, and hand out homework at weekend…… We are doing the things which our parents haven’t expected. Citizens’ lives become more and more convenient after digital technology come into popular in China.


  1.The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.

  Nothing is more important than education to an individual’s development which has traditionally played an important role in passing of knowledge. But today this purpose seems to be thrown away and the modern one tends to be helping students be better employed. Most people would agree that the latter should be the main goal of education. In my opinion, this is important but what is the most important one is to help students to educate themselves.Living in such highly competitive world, individuals only armed with knowledge may fail to be competent. This is mainly because what we can get from school is, after all, limited, no matter how long we have been educated. This fact can well explain why American high schools today ask their students to spend much time learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics and computers but not just learn academic courses such as mathematics or history. Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need and therefore become more competent.Receiving education is filled in the whole process of one’s life, rather than a part of time. That is to say, the graduation from school does not mean the ending of education. Instead, we are supposed and sometimes forced to learn more throughout the whole life. Once we enter the workplace, we should learn skills about how to get along well with colleagues, how to better accomplish the task arranged by superiors and how to balance work and life. After we become parents, we need try to adapt to this new role as soon as possible and also we need to learn how to take care of a baby day and night. Even when we get old, we still have to keep on studying the best way to spend plenty of leisure time. All of these can hardly be gained from school education. To sum up, only by learning how to educate oneself, one can learn more and become more competent, which is the most important goal of education. Learning is a life- long process and we should never allow ourselves to become complacent or indifferent to the idea that there is always more to learn.

  2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what is like before. Use specific reasons and examples or details to support your answer.

  In order to succeed in this competitive society, people have to ask for help of others, particularly your family members, in terms of financial stability and career potential. I personally believe that with the assistance of family, people can be successful smoothly now. I in this essay, my purpose is to elaborate on this opinion, and I will offer two arguments to support my case.To begin with, freedom from the pressure of money, or rather the lack of it, can contribute to one's confidence in the financial credibility. For instance, those young people from well-to-do families may become aware that rarely do they have to achieve success the hard way. In contrast, most of their peers from families that are short of money must depend largely on their own to succeed economically. Truly, stories have repeatedly been told about persons starting from scratches to prosperity; nevertheless, these examples are exceptions that prove the rule. Actually , it is hard to achieve success without counting on help from the family in such a society where money can make the mare go.Secondly, there is no secret that being successful in life is often associated with one's recommendable educational background. This implies your reliance on your family to pay for your college education in the hope of having a rewarding career. It is the same today as it was in the past that higher education is usually available to those who can afford the high tuition fee, even though the effort is worthwhile. Education being concerned with the financial background, parents who can afford it are anxious to send their children to get career preparation either because they went to university or they did not. This goes to illustrate the importance of a financially support from family. On the other hand, although young people with low-income parents might as well make efforts to work hard so as to make a good preparation, lack of money hinder their improvement.In conclusion, in order to achieve economic and career success, the need to benefit from help provided by family members is more obvious than before. Without such help, the road to success seems often under construction. For those young people who can make use of the financial advantage, there appears to be always a short cut to success.

  3.Agree or Disagree:teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than nowadays.

  Nowadays, the whole society is paying more attention to the quality of education. As a result, teachers are usually assigned with more demanding teaching assignments. Some people argue that teachers today are more respected by the public because of their hardworking, whereas others do not believe so. In my opinion, teachers in the past were actually more appreciated and valued for the following reasons.Admittedly, teachers today are playing a more important role than the past, but it does not mean that they are still appreciated and valued as authority any more. Todays’ teachers need to follow the schools’ policies and teach in accordance with the textbooks. To illustrate, teachers do not have to express their personal opinions and show their charisma in nowadays’ classrooms because both students’ parents and the schools only need satisfying final grades. This is true especially in primary and middle schools in my home country. It seems that teachers are trained in similar ways and teach uniformed knowledge in school.Moreover, many professors in college-level education are spending less effort on classroom teaching but are devoting themselves to scientific research. This is resulted from the universities’ policies that the more rewarding professors’ scientific research is, the higher reputation professors could gain. Some professors just read the slices on their PowerPoint in class. Even if students negatively evaluate the professors, universities will not consider students’ evaluation seriously because the professors’ scientific achievements are more associated with the universities’ reputation. Gradually, students do not value teachers and professors’ work any more.In contrast, teachers in the past were regarded as authority in their own fields of research because they did not rely on textbooks and felt free to express their own opinions on political and social issues. Their words and behaviors were not strictly regulated by the governments’ policies and were not influenced by parents’ expectations. As a result, teachers in the past were more likely to express opinions from creative perspectives and thus looked up to by students.To sum up, although teachers today are working under great pressure and have to consider many stakeholders’ expectations towards the educational quality, they are actually not as appreciated and valued than teachers in the past. However, teachers should not be blamed for this result, and they have to follow not only the schools’ policies, otherwise they will lose their jobs.






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