
编辑:福州环球雅思 | 有2205人参与 | 来自:匿名


Section 1=V20034 Version 50139环球教育考试预测
Section 2=新题
Section 3=V40088Version 30141环球教育听力基础预测,重点预测命中
Section 4=V20103Version40143 网络预测与环球教育预测皆未命中
V20034 Version 50139
Section 1
Complete the notes below.
1 Arrive date: 【17th(can arrive at 3rd or 17th, but 3rd may be too early)
Preferable room:
2 a 【double】 room
3 with a 【balcony】
4 The name of the Hotel: 【Mountain】 view Hotel
5 Name: 【Frampton】
6 Card number:
????????? (16位数字,4个4个念的)
7 Recommend 【massage】 to his wife.
8 Site spot nearby: 【bird park(very famous one;男的想去bird park,女的说她们有关于那个的leaflet,男的说让她们一起发过来)
9 Address: 【56 West】 Street
10 Where got the message: from a 【magazine】
Section 2
新题 活动介绍场景 配对6+配对4
12 H (afternoon bus tour)
13 F (nutritious```)
14 G
15 E (time-saving)
16 A (particular in grid)
17 E (oven in the hallway)
18 C (water was poured near the storage)
19 D (kitchen is the largest)
20 B (on the right of exit)
V40088Version 30141
Section 3
主题提示:流程图,填蜜蜂和a mite的关系                            
Questions 21-26 Matching
Farroa  destructor and Varroa jacobsoni are parasitic mites that feed off the bodily fluids of bees .Honeycomb;queen bee; Honey;brood:;hive ;virus;blood
21 Varroa mites(一种螨) have been found on   【flower】  feeding insects such as the bumblebee
22 再到别的蜜蜂上,hide under     【hive】   蜜蜂巢下面
23 Cover their smell by【honey
24进入蜜蜂体the female mite enters a honey bee【Broad cell】
25 the adults suck the 【“blood”】 of adult honey bees for sustenance, leaving open wounds.喝蜂蜜的血
26 the compromised adult bees are more prone to infections cause by【virus
Questions 27-30 Matching(Multiple choice)
A  adapt to warm climate
B  too few to help farmers
C  too aggressive
D  unable to produce
27 Europe bumble bee(大黄蜂)--【Spread weeds
They are very social bees and live in large “families”
28 Italian bee---【Warm climate好环境,说温度不能低于多少度
29 Africanized honey bees are---  【Very aggressive】territorial,and may nest in
awkward places 攻击货物,攻击性太强
30 Rare Carniolan bees----- 【too few to help farmers数量少 cannot help farmers
Question31-40 Completion
31First of all,use email failed to interact with each other
32great relationship with local economy
33mainly apply computer teaching method
34Enjoy communication with this new mode
35Build up (gain)greater confidence
36more flexible approaches
37offer new materials
38new solutions to new problems
39develop time management skills
40Subsidies the students supplement of






地址:福清万达广场A2-13层1310 电话:0591-86077981 乘车路线:地图查询


地址:杨桥路利嘉大广场14层(海底捞楼上) 电话:0591-87677650 乘车路线:地图查询


地址:福州市八一七北路70号盛裕大厦3层 电话:0591-87677650 乘车路线:地图查询