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Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?


Campus life


Advantage: help students engage into the process of teaching and learning

Disadvantage: judge the professor due to their own preferences


Nowadays at some public and private universities, many students are required to evaluate and grade their professors at the end of the semester. Here are the advantage and disadvantage that I can think of. By doing this, students may acquire more interest in the course and engage into the process of teaching and learning more easily. On the other hand, the disadvantage is also obvious since it can’t be one hundred percent fair for all professors. The students are likely to evaluate and judge the teachers due to their own preferences such as the personality, gender and age. As a result, the professors who are strict and relatively tough on students could receive a low grade.

Task 2


Nowadays, people use extreme method, like surgery to change their appearances; they do this because they are trying to become more attractive. Do you think this is a good idea?


Familiar topic



1: What attracts people should be one person’s personality and thought, rather than appearance.

2: Some plastic surgeries can be quite dangerous. One shouldn’t risk his or her life on this.


Well, definitely I disagree with the idea that changing the appearance by plastic surgery could make a person more attractive. Here are my reasons. I believe what matters the most in interrelationship is one’s personality and thought. It is always these factors that determine one’s impression on others, instead of appearance. For example, personally I admire many actors who are homely but extremely charming and amusing. Also, some plastic surgeries can still be quite dangerous. A large number of people die from the operation or get their appearances ruined because of it. There is no need for one person to risk his or her life on this.

Task 3



学生建议学校取消food cart (餐车),理由一是有利于学校整洁,理由二是餐车贩卖一些垃圾食品,对学生健康有害。


女学生不同意。理由:1 垃圾问题是不可以避免的,应该多增加垃圾桶。2餐车也卖一些有助于健康的食物,比如水果和果汁。


Campus situation


先概述阅读部分的建议内容以及理由,再表达听力中Leading Character的观点,然后分别阐述她的两个理由。


In the reading passage, the student wrote a proposal letter suggesting school eliminate the service of food cart since it not only produces too may trashes that do harm to the campus environment but also sells some junk food which is unhealthy. In the listening material, the girl disagrees with this suggestion for two reasons. First, the trash issue is unavoidable. The real problem lies in the lack of dustbin so it shouldn’t be completely attributed to food cart. The school can add more trash bin along the road. Second, the food cart also sells some healthy food such as fruits and juices. For example, she often buys apples there to help her concentrate on study. Obviously apples can’t be found in the school’s dining hall.

Task 4



概念:learning transfer: the influence of prior learning on new learning。以前学的东西对之后东西的影响。


教授举了两个例子:1 有利影响:教授以前学琴,就可以不看琴键弹奏,高中上打字课,就可以不看键盘打字。2 不利影响:他朋友以前在剧院学习表演,后来想做电影表演,就很难,因为剧院表演要求声音大,电影不需要,就有不好的影响了。


Academic lecture




In the reading passage, the term learning transfer is defined as the influence of prior learning on new learning. The influence can be both positive and negative. In the listening material, the professor provides one example respectively to illustrate these two points. First, the professor himself used to learn piano and he could play it without looking at the keys at last. As a result, when he attended the typing class in high school, he could also manage to do it without looking at the keyboard. This is the example of positive influence. Second, his friend had ever learned acting in a theater but it was quite difficult for him to transfer to the area of movie acting. The reason is that it is required to speak loudly while acting in a theater but there is no need to do that while shooting a movie. This is the example of negative influence.

Task 5




Campus situation




In the listening material, the boy is faced with a problem that he left his glasses at his parents home, which is very inconvenient for him because he needs to read an essay of hundreds of pages. And there are two solutions to fix this problem. One is to ask his parents to send the glasses to school and the other is to fetch it by himself. Personally I am with the second solution. As he mentioned, it would take as long as two days to receive the glasses that his parents send and that is too time-consuming since he needs to read the essay as soon as possible. And I think he should be responsible for the mistake he makes and remedy it by himself, although he would suffer from the tiring journey back home.

Task 6




Academic lecture




In the listening material, the professor proffers an agricultural problem caused by the lack of rain called salt accumulation of the land. In order to provide water for irrigation, the professor discusses two methods to prevent salt accumulation and solve the problem of salty land. The first method is to build drainage pipes, which can be used to carry away extra underground water and meanwhile discharge the salt. In this way can the salt not be accumulated. The second method is that the farmers can grow some crops and plants that are resistant to salt such as beets. Hopefully they can still harvest some crops in the end. These are the two solutions that the professor thinks of to address the problem.










一种叫gulf sturgeon的鱼经常高跳出水面的原因。



1, 它跳起来为了吃昆虫to eat insects in the air

2, 它是为了摆脱寄生虫to remove parasites.

3, 它受到游客船只的惊吓而做出的攻击行为to attack the boats and tourists



1, 夏天这种鱼不吃东西的,即使它们冬天吃也是吃河床附近的东西,不会因此跃出水面。

2, 野生的鱼体表没有寄生虫,都在体内。这些不能靠物理方法去除,没必要跳出水面。

3, 游船受到冲撞是偶然现象,没有船只的时候鱼也会跳出来。




The reading points out three reasons to explain why gulf sturgeon jumps out of the water. However, the professors lecture casts doubts on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to those in the reading passage.

Firstly, the professor proposes is that gulf sturgeons do not eat in summer and even they need feeding in winter, their food is that in riverbed, so they will not jump out of the water for feeding. This, obviously, opposes to the first one mentioned in reading that the sturgeons jump out for food.

Secondly, the listening claims that gulf sturgeons are wild fish which do not have parasites on their skins but inside the fish, and thus there is no need for them to jump high. However, the reading states that in order to remove parasites, the sturgeons jump out of the water, which is contradicted by the listening.

Finally, the professor states that the attack from boats and tourists are incidental and they still jump out even if there is no attack even no boat from the outside. This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because the author thinks that just because of the attack from boats and tourists, the fish, after being scared, is then jumping out.





Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Universities should spend more money in improving facilities than hiring famous teachers.




It is commonly believed that how well a university performs mostly lies in its facilities as well as faculty. If a college is with high-quality equipments, for example, a well-designed library and an advanced laboratory, then it is more possible for this school to attract students and professors. Similarly, a college famous for renowned professors is more able to gain higher academic achievement. However, I strongly believe that it is wiser for the university to invest more in advancing devices than paying for more famous teachers.

More support to facilities is, initially, of great benefit to those undergraduates who can thus not only enjoy a better academic atmosphere but also deeper research. This is not difficult to

understand because if with more money, the school will surely try more efforts to beautify the school, for example, planting more trees and flowers, installing more multi-media devices, increasing the number of air-conditioner in class, and purchasing more instruments for laboratory or more books for library. With all these improvements, those science students will be able to enjoy deeper research while those art students to receive a more comfortable atmosphere for essay writing. However, if more money is put on hiring famous teachers like the well-known professors or lecturers, then the consequence might not be that positive. This is mainly because unlike a middle school student who mostly relies on the instruction of the teacher, a university one often spends long period in library or laboratory instead of classroom.

In fact, a university without excellent facilities can hardly attract a really famous professor even though higher payment is offered. If a famous professor is offered an invitation to a university, he or she will surely try to know more about that university even pay a visit to that school. While visiting the school, the whole teaching surrounding as well as library or laboratory is often the first one to welcome him or her. Lets imagine that if a university offers huge salary to a professor but only has poor even inferior facilities, then what will the professor consider? Will he feel moved or will he be worried? A place paying little attention to research atmosphere can hardly attract a really famous professor. What those famous professors truly care about is how many achievements they can have in the new environment to strengthen current fame, but not how much money they can receive every month.

To sum up, updating facilities should be given priority even though having renowned professors is also important. Without updated facilities, a university can hardly attract high-level professors and also without attractive facilities, a university can never be helpful for its students and researchers.







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