
编辑:福州环球雅思 | 有1857人参与 | 来自:匿名
Section 1= V20003 Version 20117皆未命中
Section 2= V20135Version50133(某网络预测命中) 环球教育预测命中
Section 3= V40089Version 30139(某网络预测未命中)环球教育重点预测命中
Section 4= V20093Version 40130皆未命中
Section 1
1  Preferred location area: the Northeast
(they went to ...before, this time choose the North)
2  try to avoid: peak season
(avoid the high seasons)
3  length of stay : a weekend
Special requirements:
4  must be very quiet
5  a good beach for children
6  a restaurant nearby
7  Additional requirements :prefer a gander instead of a balcony (for children to play)
(There will be 5 persons ,so 3 rooms. The old got his backache , stairs will cause trouble ,no stairs and need a garden.)
8  personal detail : name : Mrs.Cheffins (the surname)
9  contact number: 0192477285
10  where she saw the ads :the magazine of the Countryside Living
主题提示:a photographer called Darrel talks about his pictures :a red squirrel
Question 11-15Multiple choice
11what does Darren think squirrel Latin name
A suitable for this species
B meaningless
Can interesting description of
12Why squirrel is number was reduced?
A an invasion of exotic species
B disease brought by exotic species
C decrease of food
13 the boy knows that red squirrel is different from rats, because
A different food category
B how the food was eaten
C the way they restore food
14what is restriction when harem was photographing?
A only one animal allowed at a time
B only use one camera
C it only allows making photography in a certain location
15whyDian thinks that he can shoot better photos?
A lot of practice
B got valuable help from tutor
C equipment :camera is better
Question 16-20Completion
16the photos will exhibit in local museum
17they will send the photos in competition of national newspaper
18second one: take advantage of light , harem thinks the best light is in late afternoon
19thierd one :he thinks a good photo should contain all the record of detail notes, in order to improve in the future so called secondary object
20Darrel’s picture was once rewarded on a national newspaper fore the third prize
C run under all kinds of weather
D do warm exercise before running
E competing in groups
F time yourself
(录音大致是:same people will record the distance and try to get further each day, it’s good if you are going to do a marathon, however I suggest for this kind of running , you can just record the time and see if you can go a little faster every day….)
G exercise all kinds path and road
(城里的road 和乡村的path 都要适应you have to get used to the road in country and village,people exercise in groups but its effective to compete with a friend although talking about weather, our competition is going in a warm weather,磁带中说很多人在groups中练习,不过还是从compete with a friend 比较有效,有提到的,说有可能狗跑的比你还快,但是干扰项,说虽然不同的天气怎么这么样,不过还好我们的比赛是比较暖和的时候进行,所以应该不选
Section 3
Questions 21-24 Multiple Choice
21 Why does he want to study tourism because?
A He has been to many places
Enjoy being a tourist
B 1.jpg
C  He has a good future
Bright future
22 What advantages does he have gained?
A Business working experience
(he has collected big-photos...)
23 What ability does he have?(答案有争议)
是他经常等人所以有耐心 patience. but cannot wait long queue
C Tolerance
24 Why does the man choose the polytechnic over university course?
A Easy to find a job in the future
 女的说nobody can predict 10 years later
B Cheaper his cousin said was very expensive
C 5.jpg
Questions 25-30 Matching
(the features of the course feature 配对答案和题号顺序与原题有差异,但是选项内容正确)
A  Language skills    B Medicine skills      C  Self-defense
D  Intense class      E Customer relationship  F Flexible entry
G  Leadership       H Technology         I Financial management
25 Travel and business/tourist and economy----   【D】
说课程多比较紧张and should finish in a short period (8 months)
26 Culture----【G】
27 Japanese and...---【A】
28...operations --- 【B】    often meet outside accidents
29 ...event---【F】
学生说他听说this course needs experience,teacher said was unnecessary
30 Computing of tourism ----- 【E】    课程有讲一些接待客人的skill
Section4 主题提示:new map helps protect rainforest
Questions 31-40 multiple choice
31 map covers the areas of 39,000 hectares
32 this rainforest is the worlds biggest national park
33 cooperation from: government; scientist and help from local Indian tribes
34 they applied the GPRS data, local knowledge and aerial photographs
35 some places a unmarked: besides forest, the plants used for medicine
36 this map out come will be the first and most important step in:
C protect the local and world forest land
37 another result can: A develop community
38 map can be used to : A educate them    B local history
39 the problem when making the map:
A language barriers  B they can not understand land mark
 C different way of thinking
40 finally the most important is : C we win local peoples contribution
“We are pleased at the result of this extraordinary collaborative
Effort.” This project demonstrates the important of the indigenous computer.” The map is a way of making themselves visible to western cultures.






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